Where was Bluezone Initiated

Where was Bluezone Initiated?  Instead of trapping and concentrating airborne pollutants in a filter, Bluezone UVC oxidation irradiation workspurification. approach to air purification

Tested and deployed by the US military, Bluezone technology is a groundbreaking approach to air purification; Instead of trapping and concentrating airborne pollutants in a filter, Bluezone kills or neutralizes chemical and biological pollutants.

With simple installation (plug and play) technology operating on 130 and 230 Volts, low maintenance costs, low energy consumption (150 to 250 Watt) and with modular deployability and reliability for functionality, this technology has been brought to US Navy aircraft carriers! Bluezone machines are light (approximately 12 kg) and offer significant multi-implementable advantages compared to the use of 1MCP (chemical) and/or Controlled Atmosphere (as these are not ideal for use on all products).

Without putting any chemicals or gases into the air!